Dr. Adar Cohen | Revivim Honors Teacher

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Contact Revivim Program

Address: Yitzchak Rabin Building — The Global Center for Jewish Studies,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem 9190501

Telephone: 972-2-588-1970
Fax: 972-2-588-1218



Dr. Adar Cohen

Head of The Teachers' Education Department at the Seymour Fox School of Education at The Hebrew University.

Worked as a high-school civics teacher and served as the national supervisor of Civic Studies in the Israeli Ministry of Education (2008-2012).

His research focuses on teachers' perspectives on teaching and educating towards democratic citizenship in a ridden  society with severe internal and external political conflicts.  

Dr. Adar Cohen serves as a consultant to the Revivim Program.