Contact Revivim Program

Address: Yitzchak Rabin Building — The Global Center for Jewish Studies,
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Mount Scopus, Jerusalem 9190501

Telephone: 972-2-588-1970
Fax: 972-2-588-1218



Revivim at the Bar, Wednesday May 15th, 2019

Wed, 15/05/2019

Graduates, students and Revivim applicants met for an evening of "Tastings from Revivim" at Mike's Place in downtown Jerusalem in mid-May 2019.

Dr. Yair Furstenberg of the Hebrew University's Talmud Department and student advisor of the Jewish Studies Program took us behind the scenes of a Talmudic text, and explained how the story of Rabbi Akiva and Rachel developed and became the text with which were are familiar today.

Dafna Reichman, a graduate of Revivim's eleventh cohort and a high school teacher in Jerusalem's Academy of Music and Dance, shared what she would do with the story of Rabbi Akiva and Rachel in the classes she teaches, and how she would plan her lessons on the subject.

Finally, Chen Amram, a graduate of Revivim's fourteenth cohort and teacher in the Atid High School in Lod used Spoken Word to describe her experiences as a teacher and her journey to becoming the teacher she is today.

The evening was fascinating, exciting and inspiring!

To get a sense of the evening through a glimpse of the lectures (in Hebrew) click here.